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Editor's Notebook June 2024

Craig Mongeau - Editor in Chief - June 2024


We're already halfway through 2024 and only about four months away from the 30th Annual N.Y.S. Highway & Public Works Expo in Syracuse on Oct. 23 — and we have some important updates on how the show is filling up quickly and lunch sponsors.

As of press time, 75 percent of the large exhibit floor space has been sold and close to 65 percent of the small exhibit floor space is spoken for. However, we have 72 companies that have started the process of exhibiting at the Expo but have yet to complete the registration. In total, there are only 43 exhibit spaces remaining, which means it will be possible that 32 companies will not be able to exhibit when those 43 spots sell. If there ever was a situation when the old slogan, "Don't miss out, act now," was true, it's now. For those exhibitors who have started the process, please consider completing it soon — and for all superintendents and commissioners, please consider asking your vendors if they are exhibiting or have started the process, and most important, urge them to attend the Expo so that you and many others can meet with them during the show.

Now, the lunch sponsors who have already signed up — they are Allegiance Trucks (gold), Alta Equipment Company (gold), Tracey Road Equipment (gold), Henderson Products (bronze), Milton CAT (bronze), Tenco Industries (bronze), Viking-Cives (bronze) and Winter Equipment Company (bronze). Note that there is no limit to the total number of lunch sponsors, so if you're interested in becoming one, you still can be a sponsor. And, so far 17 companies have purchased time on the Jumbotron. If you have any questions, please contact Teddy McKeon, general manager of the N.Y.S. Highway and Public Works Expo at 215/885-2900 or e-mail: Also, please see page 61 in this issue for show details.

And one final thing: we try to be as perfect as possible at Superintendent's Profile, but we're human, and so sometimes, unfortunately, we come up short with that goal. In last month's Profile on Shawn Keeler, highway superintendent of the town of Putnam Valley, some errors and omissions in the story made it to press; we have since revised Shawn's story online at We regret the errors and like anywhere or anyone else, all you can do is review the process, determine how a mistake was made and do everything you can to not have it happen again. And that's what we've done. P